What's Happening
Local KYB Events
KYB Week
Autumn Newslink
This Autumn: (scroll down)
Bristol Area
Saturday November 9th 10.00 - 12.30
'Surprised by Grace!'
Speaker Kate Kernaghan
Bradley Stoke Evangelical Church
Suggested £7.50 donation
email susan.hoyles16@outlook.com
We celebrated our KYB groups and the studies, with Psalm 1 verse 3 as our focus and inspiration: 'They are like a tree planted by stream of living water, which yeilds its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. KYB groups around the country invited women to share food, testimonies, Scripture and fellowship.
The Autumn Newslink has just been printed. Please keep sending (brief!) news of your KYB day events, reviews of KYB studies, articles and testimonies, and of course... PHOTOGRAPHS!
or sandragilb46@gmail.com