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Let’s Pray!

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.

We seem to be in a time when our world needs prayer more than ever. We can feel overwhelmed with the needs on the world scene, in our national, or closer to home - in our experiences. Yet we have a God who is totally and utterly in control. Our God is the only God who died and rose again to bring hope and the promise of everlasting life to those who accept Him.
In KYB we are women of the Word and have the privilege of sharing its truth in days when truth is said to be whatever each might wish it to be. Jesus promised that those who seek him with all their hearts will surely find him (Jeremiah 29:13).  In these days people need the Lord.

Our world

  • Pray that those affected by war, famine, or other disasters may receive the help and comfort they need.

Psalm 2:8

Our nation

  • Pray for the royal family at this time.

  • Pray for the government and all in authority.

Proverbs 28:2

1 Timothy 2:1 - 2 




  • Pray that all upcoming KYB events will bring timely ministry to God's women as they gather together.

  • Pray that women will be encouraged to realise that they are part of a bigger picture and become stronger to work and witness to what Jesus can do in every life situation.




Ephesians 6:18



  • Pray that each KYB group leader will have wisdom and will know the power of the Holy Spirit to make the truth understandable.


  • Pray that we will be willing to invite folk to our KYB groups that they may learn about God in a safe environment.


  • Pray for every member of each KYB group to feel valued and a significant part of all that God is doing in these days.


  • Pray that we may be relevant in sharing the Word of God in today's generation in each of our daily walks.


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